EZBuy is Simple and Effective
EZBuy is different – and better – than other eSign programs because it is geared for the insurance industry professional. It performs the normal eSign functions, but it also boosts sales by allowing the customer to purchase their product immediately. No more waiting for the customer to drive to the office and drop off a check (what a hassle!) or send it in the mail (takes too long!).
Turn any quote call into an immediate insurance sale!
EZBuy gives the insurance industry a way to smoothly integrate new technology into existing processes for the betterment of the producer and the customer. With EZBuy, you drive the bus.
With EZBuy technology, you’ll be able to compete with Direct Carriers. You’ll have a strong document trail that follows required standards. You’ll be able to go over the document by phone simultaneously with the customer with both being able to view the documents on computer.
Customers cannot skip ahead and purchase after hours or when alone
Documents retrievable and a variety of reports available
Everything safe and secure
Secure & Safe
Your data is protected with EZBuy. Not only does it make sense to switch to EZBuy for hassle-free, smooth transactions that seal the deal immediately, you can rest assured that EZBuy uses a time-tested secure method to keep documents safe.
Pricing Advantage
And now to the part everyone wants to know. How much does EZBuy cost? The answer is… EZBuy is free to agents, brokers, carriers and comparative raters when they sign up. How does that work? A small flat fee for using the e-signature tool is passed on to the consumer as a service fee.
What are you waiting for?